Davey Cusano vs Yoshitatsu at VindictaUCE WrestlingMar 14, 2019On Saturday, March 30th at Vindicta, the Corona Premier Intercontinental Championship will be on the line as Yoshitatsu takes on the Champion Davey Cusano. Get your tickets online at www.ucewrestling.com Box Office today! #vindicta #daveycusano #yoshitatsu #coronapremierinternationalchampionship
On Saturday, March 30th at Vindicta, the Corona Premier Intercontinental Championship will be on the line as Yoshitatsu takes on the Champion Davey Cusano. Get your tickets online at www.ucewrestling.com Box Office today! #vindicta #daveycusano #yoshitatsu #coronapremierinternationalchampionship