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UCE Wrestling

Help for Afa JR

Afa was rushed to the hospital on Saturday, September 23rd finding out that he has a severe and unexpected complex cardiac issue. He went through many tests and major cardiac procedures. His heart injection fraction is only working at 35% and his heart is filling with fluid by the hours. Afa has an extremely long road to recovery. He has major medical bills, and medications needed.

We are asking for any help that you can give. Afa has such a vibrant and loving personality, and has always been there for those in need. Afa always has been that guy to go above and beyond for everyone, and is loved by many. Any medical crisis like this always entails major medical expenses for both him and his family. So we are fundraising to ensure that Afa and his family have the support they need to defray those expenses, and also put Afa on the road to recovery.

Please see the GoFundMe page for Afa Jr at

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