UCE WrestlingMar 1, 2019Ascendant Show ResultsDark Match: "The Splendiferous" Alonzo Dee Hayes def Kenryu Takadoki Austin Aries Promo Match 1: Kaimana vs “The Kauai Kid” Noa...
UCE WrestlingFeb 28, 2019Watch Ascendant on Fite.tvUnify Championship Entertainment Wrestling presents Ascendant. You can now watch the entire show on FITE.tv!! This show featured The...
UCE WrestlingFeb 21, 2019Ascendant this Saturday!Ascendant is almost here! Unify Championship Entertainment Presents Ascendant this Saturday, February 23rd, 2019. Don't miss this show!...
UCE WrestlingFeb 15, 2019Aleki vs Kaimana at AscendantAt Ascendant, on Saturday, February 23rd, we will see former tag partners and former best friends The Aloha Gangster Kaimana and The...
UCE WrestlingFeb 12, 2019Radiant Rain vs Tiana Ringer at AscendantOn February 23, Unify Championship Entertainment presents Ascendant at the Aloha Tower Marketplace. The Unify Kaimana’s Women’s Champion...
UCE WrestlingFeb 10, 2019Chris Wilde vs Beast at AscendantChris Wilde claims that he can hang with the big boys! Who will he face at Ascendant? The Beast’s savageness appears during his message...
UCE WrestlingFeb 8, 2019UCE Wrestling Presents AscendantWHAT: Unify Ascendant WHEN: Saturday, February 23, 2019 TIME: Doors Open 6:30 PM Bell Time 7:30 PM LOCATION:...