UCE WrestlingAug 1, 2019UCE Wrestling on Da Pa’ina Radio ShowIn the studio at 93.1 with the UCE Wrestling crew. Kumu Oceans, Leva Bates, "The Pineapple King" Aleki, and Afa Jr. were on the Shawn and...
UCE WrestlingJul 10, 2019UNIFY to be UCE Wrestling's first TV TapingUCE Wrestling Presents: UNIFY their official TV Taping for K5! Don't miss the show on Friday, August 2nd, 2019. Doors open at 6:00PM at...
UCE WrestlingJun 25, 2019UCE Wrestling Presents UNIFY on August 2ndOahu - get ready for UCE Wrestling Presents: UNIFY! August 2nd in Waipahu at the FilCom Center!! Tickets on sale now at the UCEWrestling...